Believe it or not I ran into this problem recently. Suffice to say I realized if you deploy the VMware Cloud Director appliance with the primary and database IP on the same VLAN, some things go a little wonky. A few people mentioned outside the official docs that you should not do this, but it was too late I didn’t want to re-deploy again. That being said there a few ways to mange this, but one ends up being the “right” way.
First, Change the appliance IP
This is also not too hard to do. It is just a matter of changing the IP on the ethernet adapter that is interface one which is /etc/systemd/network/ and you just need to make the real time changes and restart the networking. This will get the IP changed but since the appliance is based on an OVA this WILL be re-written on a reboot
Second, Change the Database Table
This is very well documented by VMware so there is not much to really discuss on it. Basically it’s a few steps to ensure that the new IP is listed in the database. However, if you don’t perform the last step listed below this can be re-wrtten on a reboot.
Third, Change OVA attributes
This is the most important step and one that took myself and Jon Hildebrand a little bit of digging. The fact is the appliance on reboots re-checks the original settings in the OVA files. Below are the commands to help you make the final change so you will not have issue on reboot
root@vcloud [ ~ ]# ovfenv [vami.DNS.VMware_vCloud_Director]=, [vami.domain.VMware_vCloud_Director]=VCD01 [vami.gateway.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.ip0.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.ip1.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.netmask0.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.netmask1.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.searchpath.VMware_vCloud_Director] [vcloudapp.db_ha_type.VMware_vCloud_Director]=primary [vcloudapp.enable_ssh.VMware_vCloud_Director]=True [vcloudapp.expire_root_password.VMware_vCloud_Director]=False [vcloudapp.nfs_mount.VMware_vCloud_Director] [vcloudapp.ntp-server.VMware_vCloud_Director] [vcloudapp.varoot-password.VMware_vCloud_Director]=#vf6l7&&9YQn!H&pH [vcloudconf.admin_email.VMware_vCloud_Director][email protected] [vcloudconf.admin_fname.VMware_vCloud_Director]=vCD Admin [vcloudconf.admin_pwd.VMware_vCloud_Director]=Mdu2eaK9w00c@EmlO [vcloudconf.admin_uname.VMware_vCloud_Director]=administrator [vcloudconf.ceip_enabled.VMware_vCloud_Director]=False [vcloudconf.db_pwd.VMware_vCloud_Director]=#5e0#4$s0Mb76Gzgo [vcloudconf.inst_id.VMware_vCloud_Director]=1 [vcloudconf.sys_name.VMware_vCloud_Director]=vcd [vcloudnet.routes0.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vcloudnet.routes1.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vm.vmname]=VMware_vCloud_Director #Determine the values to change which the key ones for me were: [vami.ip1.VMware_vCloud_Director]= [vami.netmask1.VMware_vCloud_Director]= #Update the Variables as needed root@vcloud [ ~ ]# ovfenv --key vami.ip1.VMware_vCloud_Director --value "" root@vcloud [ ~ ]# ovfenv --key vami.netmask1.VMware_vCloud_Director --value ""
Once all this is completed you can reboot the machine multiple times and you should be getting the new database IP consistently.