In case you haven’t heard the voting is now open for the 2013 Top 25 vBlogs at vSphere Land. Last year I was humbled and surprised for my blog to come from nowhere to the 21st on the list. I am hoping that I can stay in the top 25 for 2013, but myself and others need your help and your votes to do so.
I know in the last few months my content has been slim due to my role change over to the Nicira team, but I will let you know that as of April 1st, I will be back working on Pre-Sales Solutions around the Software Defined Datacenter. That means I can start having more I can write about in 2013, and I for one am very excited. It’s been hard to be on a project where the topic area is so very sensitive and you cannot write a lot about it. Already in the last few weeks I have dug back into the vCloud Suite and working on some crazy use case ideas that are generating some cool thoughts on what is to happen with SDDC.
Thanks for your consideration for 2013 and all your support for 2012. I genuinely appreciate it those people who read and comment on all my posts throughout the year. Be sure to give some thought to the other new blogs out there you read as well and help newcomers like myself last year get onto the list. Let’s continue to see some new names out here in 2013 instead of all the same ones. I still consider myself to be new to this space so I’m not saying don’t vote for me. I’m suggesting everyone broaden their base of favorite links in 2013 to go beyond the usual suspects.