Well today is the start of Day Two of VMworld and its the first chance I have gotten to grab a few minutes and write some thoughts on the first day. For me this is my 6th VMworld and I think my 5th as a speaker. You tend to lose count after so many, but you don’t forget the things that got you here. I wanted to take a minute out of the madness to truly thank all you, my many friends who support and attend the sessions I deliver. Frankly without you and your support I would not constantly be asked to be here, or at your various VMUG’s. I truly enjoy being stopped in the halls and asked questions and I will always stop to talk for as long as I can. I ay not always know your name but I will try to learn just a little bit about you so we can become friends in the community. So please keep that up and if you see me, be sure to holler my name and let’s get to know each other. The bottom line is I would not be here if it was not for all of you, so with that I truly say I am humbled and thank you.
Okay, so what about the first couple days? What are your thoughts so far about the announcements from Day One:
- vSphere 5.5
- vSAN
- vCloud Air General Availability (My favorite of course)
- DRaaS
- DaaS
- Direct Connect
- vSphere NSX
I’d love to hear more thoughts on the vCloud Air as you stop me in the halls and attend my sessions today and tomorrow on it. Today is my Group Discussion and I am hoping to do a demo of the portal for people if they want. The group discussion is pretty free form so if you are attending come with some things vCloud Air related to talk about. You all know I love the whiteboard and we can take it wherever we want to go which is why I love those sessions.
Today my goal is to try to hook up with some vendors at the solution exchange and get my hands on some appliances I want to load into vCloud Air and play around with. I also want to try to get some time with the VMworldTV folks so we can get some airtime on the vCloud Air offering. Let’s see what Day two brings for interesting announcements.