There has been a lot of buzz about VMware vCloud Director for sure. Folks are actively trying it out and finding it does what it says it can do. However, as with any application there is a HUGE difference between what “Works” and what is actually SUPPORTED by VMware. Below is pretty much the summary from the Install guides and KB articles about what is actually supported. You really must read the documentation because if it is NOT listed as explicitly supported, then assume it is not. You can find most of this in the vCloud Installation Guides and release notes. I have tried to grab most of the pre-requisites, and I may have missed some so please don’t use this as gospel. Again I am sorry for just cutting and pasting from the manuals, but really I am trying to drive the simple point home that we all need to read the manuals with any application install. For reference here is where you can find all the vCloud Director Documentation including release notes.
Supported VMware Cloud Director Server Host Platform:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64 bit), Update 4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64 bit), Update 5
Required Linux Packages:
alsa-lib, libgcc, libXtst, bash, libICE, module-init-tools, chkconfig, libSM, net-tools, compat-libcom_err, libstdc, pciutils, coreutils, libX11, procps, findutils, libXau, redhat-lsb, glibc, libXdmcp, sed, grep, libXext, tar, initscripts, libXi, which, krb5-libs, libXt
Supported VMware Cloud Director Database Platform:
Oracle 10g Standard Edition Release 2 (10.2.0.x)
Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition Release 2 (10.2.0.x)
Oracle 11g Standard Edition (11.1.0.x)
Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition (11.1.0.x)
Supported VMware vSphere vCenter Version For 1.0:
4.0 Update 2 Build #264050
4.1 Build # 259021
4.1 vSphere Client Build #258902
See 1.0.1 release notes for additional information about 4.1 Update 1
Supported VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi Version for 1.0:
4.0 Update 2 Build #261974
4.1 Build #260247
See 1.0.1 release notes for additional information about 4.1 Update 1
Supported VMware vShield Manager Version:
4.1 Build #287872 for use with 1.0
4.1 Update 1 Build #310451 for use with 1.0.1
Supported Browsers Versions:
This is easily found in This Knowledge Base Article. It is easier than copying all the tables here.
Well Then, What is NOT Supported?
Well it is safe to say if it is not listed in the installation guides or a KB then it is not supported. I can tell you for example that CentOS, Ubuntu, SUSE, or pretty much any other Linux distribution is not. Although Oracle is listed, Oracle RAC with an active-active setup and ONS is not officially supported. Oracle 11gR2 is also not supported, and we have been seeing folks use this version instead of 11gR1. The bottom line is read the docs, do your research and be sure to install with the properly supported versions of supporting operating systems and applications. Obviously some of this will change as new versions come out, just because it works does not mean it is supported.
Thanks for clearing this up for the masses. This is something we have been having extensive conversations on. Looking forward to the next releases!