Yesterday Jenny Fong launched the VMware vCloud Air tutorial videos. Many of these are from original videos Greg Herzog put together, and have been tweaked into some post style pages. If you are still wondering how VMware vCloud Air can help you with the use of hybrid cloud. They are arranged in easy to follow topics.
- Creating a Virtual Data Center
- Creating New User Accounts Inside a Virtual Data Center
- Navigating User Interface Relationship and Catalogs
- Default Network Setup
- Introduction to Gateway Services : Firewall
- Introduction to Gateway Services : Load Balancing
- Deploying a Virtual Machine from a Catalog
- Deploying a Virtual Machine from Scratch
- Introduction to Gateway Services : DHCP
- Introduction to Gateway Services : NAT
- Advanced Properties of a Virtual Machine
In addition there was also a solution brief I posted titled Enterprise IT Hybrid Data Center. This may be a little hard to find as it’s just called “Solution Brief” and I am working to get that changed. Please take a look it’s not very long and see some of the initial basics of getting to a VMware Hybrid Cloud.