I love spending time at events with folks in the community. Mostly because I am able to get some perspective from everyone as they see it from the outside looking in. This week at VeeamON was no exception. Although I was there to do my last presentation on vCloud Air, I was also able to have at least a dozen conversations about the VCDX program. Honestly, I love the fact people are opening up with questions, thoughts, and other feedback so I can try to absorb it all. I even did a quick vBrown Bag Video before I left yesterday on the topic, and there was one thing I wanted to expand on with some personal opinions and that is around getting your company to see the value in you getting your VCDX.
Having A VCDX Is A Differentiator
At the end of the day it is you that is going through the process of obtaining your VCDX. It’s the same with any certification, you hold it. However, many times the company you work for has specific value in the certifications you get. In many cases they are sponsoring you by covering the costs of the classes, tests, and other expenses required. I mentioned in the video that having a VCDX on staff is a market differentiator with your competitors. Let’s face it, there are a few partners out there that do a great job marketing the number of VCDX’s they have. To that I say…..GOOD FOR YOU! More people should be doing that in fact. It’s the pinnacle of VMware Certifications, so why would you now use it as a marketing aspect to your business?
VCDX Has Value To The Customer
The other thing that your company should realize is that having you as a VCDX is good for your customers. Customers have lot’s of projects and some of them need what I call expert level “Oversight” on them. It may have ten other guys on the project delivering tactical aspects of the project, but might require some “Field General” type leadership and guidance. That’s a role that a VCDX can play for sure to set the stage and be there to oversee what’s going on. This allows you and your company to elevate and grow your role in the organization to something more.
Make VCDX A Part Of Your Offering
Every partner is different in how they might market and present a VCDX to a customer. Because I got mine when I was in PSO, we did in fact market that as a resource that could be staffed to projects. We explained what it meant to have a VCDX on a project, and the value it could bring to it, and ultimately there was a premium for that resource. It’s not something everyone needs on every project, but I believe it’s for all of us that hold a VCDX and those aspiring to be a VCDX to help drive the VALUE of what a VCDX means. I’m one person, a single evangelist, and my goal is to build a community of evangelists. It starts with the current VCDX holders, as well as with the people trying to convince their boss that getting a VCDX does have value. I’m sure over time I will post more about this but this was just a start.
What other thoughts might you have on this? Leave some comments and start a discussion!