Every year Cohesity, like other companies that support the vExpert Program, try to do something to show their appreciation for the community. In the past there has been backpacks, last year was some tee shirts and charging portfolios. Every year it does get harder and harder to come up with something different not only for the item but for the method to claim the item(s). This year STK Promotions, who many in the community know, came up with a cool item that falls into the “car” theme the Technical Advocacy Group has been using all year.
Now I can’t give up the item’s but there has been a lot already claimed, and I admit this post is a day or so late, but there are still some left. However at the same time I want to thank so many for all the tweets, direct messages, and the feedback provided on the process we used this year. Here is just some of the comments.
I love this style of engagement. I think it’s educational and fun – and I think you’ve balanced it well so it’s not tedious. Great job!
this was GREAT! I had fun learning more about Cohesity than i have before. Great work team, very interactive and fun giveaway. I felt like i was back in the late 90s and early 2000s running around the web clicking on links to get FTP login info to download MP3s and Warez!
Well i have been hearing about Cohesity for last one year after few connection from vExpert community. I got so know something about this product and its nice to know about Mr. CEO. If I get chance i will definitely explore more into it.
This was amazing and so much appreciated. Thank you for creating this. It was educational and a super fun course
In addition to this there has been a lot of chatter on twitter as well. I am humbled that so many people not only appreciate the item but also appreciate that programs like this come at a cost. Not only for the item(s) themselves, but with the Pandemic we also have to figure out a way to ship all these individually, thankfully STK Promotions was there to help with that part. I will be doing a vBrownBag session on how much of the backend was automated next week.
Claim Yours Now!
So with that, there is still a few left so if you read this post amidst your busy day, grab one up and enjoy. Click the image below for the website.