I wanted to take a moment to thank all the voters this year that took the time to vote on the top 25 vBlogs. As always my good friends Duncan Epping, Frank Denneman, and Alan Renouf were tops on the list. When I found out I was nominated I was humbled, knowing I made it into the top 25 was even more humbling. To be in the midst of such talent is just pretty cool. Most people did not know who I was before the end of 2010 when I started blogging. I want to make a special thanks to Duncan and Frank. Both those guys and I have become such good friends over 2011. It was actually Duncan that convinced me to start blogging and getting more into the community.
I have said it before and I will say it agin, I am not the smartest guy….I went to public school. However, I do believe that I have a knack for delivering some useful content both online, but really also in person. Those who have seen our presentations know I just love presenting. I know look forward to doing sessions at VMworld with Duncan, Frank, and David Hill. Now that the results are out, it will be good to see all of you hopefully.
As Duncan stated in his thank you article, we are all approachable. Sometimes we may not look like it, but we are. Even being an honorary member of the Dutch vMaffia sometimes we may beat down the Monster VM, but we are still guys you can talk to. I know I will probably never be number one, and maybe not even in the top 5, for me just making the list my first year out is a sweet feeling having been one of the few that
If you have not seen the video you can view it at VMware Videos dot com and see all the results on vSphereLand.com. I want to also give a special note to John Troyer for his kind words about me, and David Davis for the special mention of my work trying to help some of our own community members get fit. That’s not a one shot deal, I really want to keep that up since I do like to have more about me than just Virtualization and work. Below are the stats for the voting for me that I thought we pretty cool. I hope I can keep up all the voter’s expectations!
Total Votes = 119
Total #1 Votes = 28
Congrats Chris, your blog has been a great resource over the past year. Looking forward to more of the same in 2012. 🙂