VMware recently announced a survey on the PowerCLI blog, which has been setup to poll people for what they think would be the best way to introduce cmdlets for vCloud Director. As part of the survey VMware has also teamed up with TrainSignal and are giving away some PowerCLI training, if you haven’t seen this before then it is definitely worth checking out.
The questions not only ask how you would like the vCloud cmdlets distributed but also if you would prefer common objects like VMs and Users to be new cmdlets based towards vCloud director or to add these as additional parameters to the existing cmdlets.
So all you need to do is answer 4 simple questions. Please select the option that best fits your desired user experience for each of the questions.
Fill in the 4 question survey here
Any questions around this area can be posted in this community link, also if you want to explain further why you chose your answers or any thoughts at all please raise them here: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/337330?tstart=0