I was chatting with Dennis Zimmer, Chief Strategy Officer, of Opvizor this weekend, and he told me they have released a new 1.5 version of their product set. Not only that, there is some new tutorial videos outlining the product itself that they have put together. The best part is there is a limited 2 host version that is FREE, so you can get a chance to try it out for yourself and see how you like the offering. Below are the links to the press release, an introduction video, as well as the 7 part tutorial for you to view.
Today the products examine the physical host’s configurations, but I have inquired about their future addition of monitoring the vCloud Director Virtual Datacenters.
Introduction Video
opvizor introduction from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
7-Part Tutorial Videos
Part 1: Overview
opvizor Tutorial Part 1: Overview from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 2: Installation
opvizor Tutorial Part 2: Installation from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 3: Using the desktop
opvizor Tutorial Part 3: Using the desktop from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 4: Using opvizor the client
opvizor Tutorial Part 4: Using the client from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 5: Using opvizor logview
opvizor Tutorial Part 5: Using logview from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 6: Using opvizor dashboard
opvizor Tutorial Part 6: Using the dashboard from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.
Part 7: Using opvizor share
opvizor Tutorial Part 7: Using share from icomasoft opvizor on Vimeo.