I find all the time that what holds people back from themselves is really their own fear of stepping out of their comfort zone. I love the image above because it so simply shows that if you stay in your little circle you could miss out on the magic that makes things happen. There are a few books I have read multiple times that were suggested to me by a mentor I wold like to recommend to all of you because they all address this concept. You can order them from the links below but I highly suggest after reading this post you pick them up either in audio book or paperback.
Comfort Zone Reading:
Your Comfort Zone And “Insanity”
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein
This is one of my all time favorite quotes in the word. In one sentence it sums up the need for people to examine what they are doing and step out of their comfort zone once and for all. Maybe you keep fighting for that promotion at work, or you have bills that are piling up. Maybe it’s that 30 pounds you put on you want to lose, or you are just unhappy with the way things have been going in general. Either way, you cannot keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. What you need is a CHANGE in your routine. The problem though, is that also requires in most cases getting out of that safe place you are in. You cannot sit idle by and wish for things to happen. You need to MAKE them happen yourself. Many people have called me a self-promoter, or even conceded in the past, but the reality is simple. I don’t believe anyone will promote me, except myself. It’s called being confident and stepping out of the norm to make things happen.
Your Comfort Zone And Life Decisions
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Although this was a fictional character in the 80’s it’s still a great quote from the writers of that movie. It’s true and fits what I am saying here. You get one chance to do great things. For years I have struggled with what my purpose is in this one life on earth. Today I still don’t know exactly, but I know part of my purpose is to help others see the fun in fitness and health. It is to share my own experience from the heart on my success and I can only hope others will appreciate that and follow suite in my tribe of health and fitness lovers. You do need to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. You must look around and observe the actions going on around you. We all need to live our lives to the fullest and that means getting out of that little comfort zone of safety.
Move Forward And Get Out Of that Comfort Zone!
So ultimately what is my point here? It’s very simple actually. I want to find people who are willing and able to move out of that comfort zone they are in to reach for greatness. I want to find people to join my tribe, and build a team of successful Beachbody Coaches that are both finding fitness themselves and helping others do the same. I want to share all our experiences with others to help them get out of their comfort zone and stop being the definition of insanity. This mission is the foundation and core of Team Beachbody and I for one believe in that mission. We make what we want of our lives, and this is no exception. If you truly are sick of being stuck and you are ready to walk through that door in front of you that represents change, then join our team and together we can build something great.