If you bought the P90X workout or some other Beachbody program or nutritional product through Beachbody, than you already have a Beachbody Coach assigned to you and may not even know it. As a Beachbody customer you are automatically assigned to a Beachbody Coach when you resgister. It is your right as a customer to switch to a different Beachbody Coach if you decide you would like to. Your assigned Coach may have never reached out to you, or maybe they’re not returning your emails or phone calls. Regardless of the reason, Beachbody allows customers to switch to a different Coach pretty easily.
To change your Beachbody Coach, simply send an email to Beachbody at [email protected] and let them know that you would like to switch Coaches. Give them your full name and your account log-in name so they can pull your information up. Also, give them the name of the Coach you would like to switch to and their User ID. That’s it! In a few days you will be switched over to your new Coach.
Alternatively, you could call the Beachbody Coach Relations Department at 1-800-240-0913 and they can make the switch over the phone. I think most people find emailing Beachbody easier since when calling you may be put on hold until someone is available to talk with you (it really depends on the call volume).
Of course, if you would like to have me as your Coach 🙂 than when calling or emailing Beachbody give them the following information for me: Chris Colotti, User ID-145042 or CColotti. I would truly be honored to be your Coach and will do what it takes to help you reach your health and fitness goals!
Lastly, if you didn’t buy P90X, Insanity, or other Beachbody program or nutritional product through Beachbody’s website than you still can sign up for a free account and have me as your Coach. Simply click on the following link to create an account with me as your coach–> Free Beachbody Account. If you would like to become a coach yourself you can also do so By Clicking Here.
If you would like to purchase any Beachbody Products it would be great if you could do it through my online store, even if you are not going to sign-up for a free account.

I would like to change coaches and I’m not really happy with the workout that my coached picked.
I don’t subscribe to BOD because it is very disappointing and the prices are very high, with that being said I wish the let’s get up by Shaun T workout was on dvd and not available in digital only. I like and really enjoy the dvd’s so please bring back the beach body workouts to dvd please.
Such a big let down when I was looking forward to trying the new workout by Shaun T and come to find out there is no dvd option when I am a person who only uses dvds to workout to.
So put this workout on dvd please because I’ve had beach body on demand before and it was to pricey and overcharged me for a lot of stuff that I didn’t need, that’s why I refuse to subscribe and do the workouts through BOD.
So please put the let’s get up on dvd especially when I have all the other Shaun T workouts on dvd.