I rarely talk politics on my blog, and I will never tell anyone how I voted in this election. In fact one of my friends actually accused me of being a communist simply because I don’t vote based on a given party. I vote for the lesser of the two possible evil’s I have as a choice. That’s pretty much all you can do these days. However agree or disagree I am not upset at others who are public about who they voted for. It was your choice and I expect people to not be upset with me if I ever told you. Frankly I think both parties need their heads bonked together.
No matter what, this morning there is literally half the country upset and half the country happy. Think about is …..even if it went the other way the result would still be the same! Half of you would still be happy and the other half of you would still be upset. Sadly, there is no “winning team” when the entire country is split down the middle like that because last time I checked…..we are all Americans and on the SAME team for our country.
Had it gone the other way we’d still be split just your friend, neighbor, or relative would be happy instead of you. It is time to just accept it and do what we all can to better this country and economy as individual contributors. I don’t care who you voted for, but let’s be realistic, no one man regardless of who it is can change YOUR life. We all need to take some level on control and responsibility for ourselves, our debt, and our lives.
If you really think any one man is going to lower your gas prices, find you a job, or fix your personal debt…I just think you are dreaming. We must at least agree on the fact we all need to do our part instead of complaining about the outcome. I personally don’t blame anyone for much these days except myself, but that’s just me. It’s too easy to blame one man or women for my woes. Take a look in the mirror and ask what you can do instead of all the complaining.
I am quite sure I will get flack for being so impartial here, but that’s the great thing about this country and this blog. I can say what I want and others can also voice their opinion and I am okay with that. As long as you did exercise your right to vote I’m cool with that. But let’s just move on with the result and all figure out what we can each do, to better this country we all love to live in.
Thanks Chris for the level headed political post. 🙂
Thanks for reading Adam. I have over the years found myself not on one side or the other as you can see.
For such a touchy topic, very nicely put. Thanks Chris.
I can’t help but share I was thinking about JFK’s famous words:
Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country
as I read your take on the election and the state of our union.
Could be because I was just in Dallas TX this past weekend, standing there at Dealey Plaza, taking this somber picture:
Yes indeed a somber place to be at any time. Yeah I guess that’s a valid statement for sure by JFK anytime you think about it.
Fun post. I love something off topic every now and again from tech blogs.
Now – who did you vote for?