There comes a time in everyone’s career where change must happen. For those that have known me and followed me you know I started out in Professional Services for a long time. From there I moved to the “Cloud Team” as we started to roll out vCloud Director back in 2010. There was also that short six month deal with the Nicira folks post acquisition so I was able to learn much more about Network Virtualization. Now it’s time for another challenge and a new role that will keep me plugged into the community as well as Engineering and the Business Unit.
As of July 1st I will be assuming the role of Senior Technical Marketing Manager, vCloud Infrastructure Services working alongside Michael Roy, and a host of other folks. This role will be directly tied to and part of developing assets, including presentations and other whitepapers on the vCloud Air that we announced back in may. You may have noticed two of my three VMworld sessions are based on vCloud Air and that was before I even investigated the opportunity.
I am excited to transition to a completely new team and a new role that will have me visiting Palo Alto at least once a month and hopefully doing more or what I love around speaking at events as a spokesperson for the vCloud Air. The second half of 2013 should shape up to be very fun indeed as I have a lot of ideas around helping people understand and better utilize this new model of Hybrid cloud services with VMware.
You should also see my technical blogging pick back up as I should have plenty of things to write about. In the past six to nine months I admit I had very little new things to talk about so having a singular focus again should make it easier. Thanks to everyone that has continued to follow and read my blog, and I hope you will stay tuned in to see what my new role has to offer all of you.