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2015 VCDX Defense Dates Announced!

Many have asked for them, so here they are.  Yesterday Karl Childs posted the remaining 2015 Defense Dates on the VMware Community Forum.  The defenses roughly follow the schedule from 2014.  For each date, there will be concurrent sessions held in Palo Alto, Frimley, and Singapore.  Like last year the locations and dates will run in a simultaneous fashion, so be sure to indicate which location you are planning on applying for during the week.  You don’t want to end up going to Singapore if you live in Florida….or maybe you do.

The dates are:

Follow the instructions here to submit your application: VMware Certified Design Expert.

All Questions regarding the VCDX Defense Schedule will be answered in the community forum, but you can also send additional questions, concerns, or feedback can be sent directly to

After Partner Exchange we will also be posting information on upcoming VCDX Workshops.

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