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Solutions For Two Common vSphere Network Issues

I have found a couple common issues with vSphere Networking that you may have come across recently.  I have always been a long tim fan of the thinking…”If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it may very well be a duck”.  That being the thinking below is a few instances and associated KB articles that may very well help you out.

Use Case #1:

Reported Issue:  Customer reports loss of networking connectivity on a VM after Reboot.  The VM comes back with self assigned IP and specifically the work around is disconnecting and reconnecting the NIC in vCenter VM settings

Solution(s):  I have found that these two KB’s one or both combined, seems to work.  I have had people apply them in order and things seem to be resolved.


Use Case #2:

Reported Issue:  Customer reports poor networking performance on cross host VM’s specifically with the VMXNET driver and database applications, mostly on vSphere6 but also on some 5.5

Possible Solution(s):  I have found these two options or the combination of both fix the issue.

  1. Change to E1000 Driver OR
  2. Disable LRO on VMXNET3 using this KB:
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