For 7 years now I have been stuck with TDS Telecom for my phone and internet access. TDS Telecom is a giant company outside of New Hampshire but for some reason they own a small piece of the pie from Lyndeborough, NH to Hollis and some areas north of us. The issue is not that they are a bad company. The issue is the provide horrible Internet Access to rural residents. For the time I have lived in my town, they are the only option along with Satellite TV. There is NO cable providers here at all and everyone seems to be content with leaving it that way. Well I’m had it!
We have two people who work from home and we have been forced to pay for TWO 5Meg DSL services, of which the fastest we can squeak out is 3Meg down and a dismal .5 meg up. Not only are we paying for a speed we cannot even get….twice, but there has been NO significant upgrades to boost service to my town’s homes. TDS Telecom has been content with collecting our monthly fees and providing sub-par services for rural areas of NH.
What do I want? CHOICES! I want Comcast, or Verizon Fios to set up shop in these areas where TDS Telecom has been happily sitting idle by while the consumers are falling behind in technology. At this point we are basically dial-up to everyone else’s 25Meg or 50Meg speeds and we are being left behind. Work starts to suffer, we cannot leverage offsite backup options for our data, and yet nobody is speaking up.
Here is my petition to Comcast and others to PLEASE come to Lyndeborough, NH with your services. Force TDS Telecom to do something about their inferior services they continue to charge us for but do nothing to update. Frankly you all keep showing me commercials about how I can get faster than DSL speeds on my TV…..yet you don’t come here to install and provide the services? Why is that exactly?
As of today I have heard back from Comcast who is going to inquire with the local field teams and the Town has even said I am not the first person to complain about the lack of speed, and options for service. Enough is enough….give me my high-speed internet NOW! Some people may find this a bit humorous but to us it is no longer a laughing matter. It’s about both provider choice as well as the need for speed. Someone has to eventually speak up and frankly HughesNet is not ever going to work for remote office workers. Their Limitations on 20GB per month would be destroyed by most remote home office workers, so frankly it’s never going to be an option. We need real broadband here, the time has come.