Well folks, as much as I hate to admit it, yesterday the #48 Lowes team and Jimmy Johnson made the “Drive for Five” a reality. Although this is my wife’s favorite driver, one has to ask themselves what does this mean to the sport? We all love to see dominance in any sport don’t we? Maybe or maybe not I say. Although this championship could well have been won by the #11 team, they let it all slip away last week and this week. This pretty much opened the door for a flawless #48 team to drive away with it. The problem I see with this is people, myself included, may start to watch less. Sometimes a single dominating force is not good for ratings if the same guy just keeps winning. Does that mean nobody else is as good? Well that is a different subject all together, but I said it yesterday to my wife that I think it is totally unfair that the larger teams can simply swap out their entire pit crew for another team under the same owner. If that was not possible, would the #48 still have won? Maybe this is a topic for a separate blog of “should multi-car teams be allowed to help each other?” Personally I think they should not. Still at the end of the day championship #5 is in the books and we have to look to next year for someone to challenge the team of Jimmy Johnson and Chad Knaus. I truly hope someone can step up or NASCAR may start to see a drop in ratings and track attendance.